Monday, 21 December 2009

Food Network Advert

Saw this advert a while ago on TV advertising the Food Network, a new channel on Sky. The stop frame style makes food seems fun, young and interesting rather than the homely traditional feel that is usually portrayed by food programmes.

The white background not only gives a no fuss attitude and helps echo the cleanliness needed in a kitchen but sets off the food being played with to create the words. Seeing the words being created and 'played with' to create a new style of typography also helps subvert the saying "don't play with your food" as reiterated by the final image where we see the entire sentence rather than the individual words, which spells out "who says you shouldn't play with your food?". The baking element in the meringues and pastry also add that added depth and movement to the whole page as to not make it too static once all the words have been created. I really think this is, although not innovative, a more interesting way of mixing typography and the subject of food together, and also reminds me of childhood where we use spaghetti and sauce to spell out words bringing us back to the fun and youthful edge of this advert.

The only thing that I feel lets down the advert is the addition of the 'now available...' as it doesn't fit the overall style of the advert, it seems unconsidered and an obligatory addition. Could the designers have thought this through a little more to integrate it? For example, the food network logo could have been a splat of jam or ketchup and the added type reduced in size to become more of a secondary thought than drawing your attention away instantly from the food typography.

The advert was designed and produced by Blac Ionica whose website can be visited here:
Watch the advert here:

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