Monday, 16 November 2009


There hasn't be a disaster movie released in a while so seeing the trailers for 2012 really intrigued me. I really enjoyed Independence day and the Day After Tomorrow (the same director/producer as 2012, Roland Emmerich) and so was expecting some big things out of this film. After sitting through the two hours the film spans in a sold out cinema, I was highly disappointed. The characters were hard to empathise with, none of the relationships really capturing my imagination; I really wasn't that bothered as to who died, or who survived, as we followed numerous people, none of which with a story you can engage with. 

Another factor which I felt let the film down was the special effects. After studying motion graphics for a short amount of time, I understand the intricacies and the long hours that must have been put into creating the epic CGI effects which were stunning and extremely impressive (such as various cities being submerged in water, Yellowstone become a giant volcano and erupting etc.), but I can't help but feel that the focus was on creating these special effects therefore sacrificing a storyline and the time put into the green-screening of some scenes.

I don't think the film lives up to the standard of Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow and is mainly let down by the very weak storyline and characters which are hidden behind two hours of special effects.

1 comment:

  1. shame this wasn't so good - i still want to see it, its got edward norton in i think!! he was amazing in two epic films, fight club and american history x.
