Saturday, 28 November 2009

Creative Review December Edition

I have to say, I'm always quite excited to see CR pop through my letterbox each month, but even more so this December issue with it's fun envelope packaging (for those non-designers, Creative Review is the design industry favourite monthly magazine). The packet has a CR Christmas tree design printed on with some small instructions which allow you to make your very own CR Christmas tree for your room simply by cutting out the tree from either side of the envelope and slotting them together. It's brilliant being a subscriber!


  1. I've decided not to renew my grafik subscription - they really were'nt very good, im still missing two paid for issues. BAHHH CR subscription at christmas I believe!!

  2. What better way to encapsulate Christmas than by present-style packaging? Simple added extras like this always make such a difference, and people always remember that little extra effort. Warm fuzzy feelings all round!
